“A fool and water will go the way they are diverted.”
African Proverb
The African proverb “A fool and water will go the way they are diverted” exemplifies how outside forces can influence someone who lacks understanding or judgment. People or organizations can lead or manipulate a fool, much as water naturally takes the path of least resistance and can be directed by barriers or channels. You can conquer obstacles with your own strength. This conveys the vulnerability of someone who does not question or is in charge of their own destiny.
Please don’t take the path of a fool. Lacking strong personal awareness can lead a person to misguide themselves, just as water can be diverted from its natural path by other factors. Staying aware as much as you can is the only way to safeguard yourself from diversions. Furthermore, the proverb can also be used as a cautionary tale about how crucial it is to improve one’s own critical thinking and judgment skills. In order to prevent being readily swayed or controlled by others, the proverb advises people to develop skills and moral courage.