African Quotes and Proverbs

African proverbs and quotes contain a lot of information about culture, history, and experiences on the diverse African continent. This category examines the ageless proverbs, deeper meanings, and customary sayings passed down through the ages by diverse African cultures. Readers can explore every aspect of African knowledge and get valuable insights about life, relationships, community, and spirituality through captivating storytelling and profound African philosophy. Browse through this category to obtain information and understanding from a variety of proverbs, thoughts, and quotations from around the continent.

Anyone who can cheat at play would cheat on you in any way

"Anyone who can cheat at play would cheat on you in any way.” African proverb. Read more...

Do not insult the crocodile before crossing the river

"Do not insult the crocodile before crossing the river.” African proverb and quote.

He who is unable to dance says that the yard is stony

"He who is unable to dance says that the yard is stony.” African proverb and. Read more...

You have little power over what’s not yours

"You have little power over what’s not yours.” African proverb and quote.

Do a good deed and throw it into the sea

"Do a good deed and throw it into the sea.” African proverb and quote.

Who beats the drum for the madman to dance is no better than the madman themselves

"Who beats the drum for the madman to dance is no better than the madman. Read more...

Almost doesn’t fill a bowl

"Almost doesn't fill a bowl.” African proverb and quote.

Two footsteps do not make a path

"Two footsteps do not make a path.” African proverb and quote.

He who is afraid of doing too much always does too little

"He who is afraid of doing too much always does too little.” African proverb and. Read more...

Courage is the father of success

"Courage is the father of success.” African proverb and quote.