Good millet is known at harvest
"Good millet is known at harvest." African proverb and quote.
Without fools there would be no wisdom
"Without fools there would be no wisdom." African proverb and quote.
A fully grown tree cannot be bent into a walking stick
“A fully grown tree cannot be bent into a walking stick.” African proverb and quote.
Examine what is said, not him who speaks
"Examine what is said, not him who speaks." African proverb and quote.
Nobody is born wise
“Nobody is born wise.” African proverb and quote.
One who causes others misfortune also teaches them wisdom
“One who causes others misfortune also teaches them wisdom.” African proverb and quote.
If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom.
“If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom.” African. Read more...
By crawling a child learns to stand
“By crawling a child learns to stand.” African proverb and quote.
The hunter, in pursuit of an elephant, does not stop throwing stones at birds
“The hunter, in pursuit of an elephant, does not stop throwing stones at birds.” African. Read more...
Useless to warn one who has made up his mind
“Useless to warn one who has made up his mind.” African proverb and quote.