Parasites can not live alone

"Parasites can not live alone." African proverb and quote.

“Parasites can not live alone.” African proverb and quote.

“Parasites can not live alone.” Parasites need a host to survive. They can not live alone. A parasite feeds on its host. It takes what it needs from the host. The host gives the parasite shelter and food.

Without a host, the parasite will die. This is comparable to people in your life who take but never give back to the relationship. The parasite relies on the host to survive. The host is not dependent on the parasite. If left alone, a parasite will eventually die owing to a lack of host.

This proverb teaches us an important lesson. We should not take more than we need. should not rely on others to survive. We must be able to stand on our own. Parasites cannot exist alone. Nobody should ever try to be a parasite. Needing help from time to time is understandable, but not always.

There are some exceptions to this proverb, such as the physically or mentally disabled, older people, and children. With the obvious exception of the most vulnerable among us, we must try to remain parasite-free and/or be a parasite.