Republic of Botswana
Botswana Country Overview. This is a Botswana country overview. The official name is the Republic of Botswana. It is also commonly referred to as Botswana.

Botswana Country Overview

African map highlighting Botswana’s location.
Where is Botswana located?
Botswana is located on the western coast of Africa. Botswana borders the following countries; Namibia to the west and north, and Zimbabwe to the northeast, Zambia and South Africa to the south and southeast.
What is the capital of Botswana?
The Capital of Botswana is Gaborone.
How large is the country of Botswana?
Botswana has 581,730 square kilometers of land.
Is Botswana a member of the African Union?
Botswana is a a member of the African Union. It has been a member since May 25th, 1963.
Botswana Country Overview - People
What is the population of Botswana?
The population of Botswana is slightly over 2.3 million as of 2020 (approx). The most populated city in Botswana is Gaborone with a population of 231,626 approx. (2018).
What are the Ethnic groups in Botswana?
As of 2019, the estimated breakdown of ethnic groups are; Tswana 78%, Kalanga 11%, Basarwa 3%, Kgalagadi and other groups 6%.
How many languages are spoken in Botswana?
The most popular languages spoken in Botswana are Setswana 77%, Sekalanga, Shekgalagadi, Zezuru/Shona, Sesarwa, English, Sembukushu, Ndebele.
What religions are in Botswana?
Botswana religious groups consist of; Christian 79%, Badimo 4%, Other 17%.
Botswana Country Overview - Economy
Botswana Political System Overview.
Botswana has a Unitary dominant-party parliamentary constitutional republic form of government. The country has 16 administrative regions consisting of 10 districts and 6 town councils.
What is the currency used in Botswana?
The Pula (BWP) is the official currency for Botswana.
What makes up the economy in Botswana?
Botswana’s main resources and industries consist of diamonds.
Interesting Fact About Botswana.
Botswana has had continuous democratic elections since independence. This makes it the oldest democracy in Africa. This concludes our brief Botswana country overview. We encourage you to learn more about this astonishing nation.
All numerical data are estimates. Information may vary after the date of this article.