Ethiopia Country Overview


Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ethiopia Country Overview. The official name is the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Called Ethiopia for short. The ancient Ethiopian empire maintained its independence from colonial rule. Ethiopia had never been brought under complete colonial control.


Ethiopia Flag - Ethiopia Country Overview

Ethiopia Overview

Ethiopia country overview location on the African map

African map highlighting Ethiopia location.

  1. Where is Ethiopia located?

    Ethiopia is located on the western side of the continent of Africa. Ethiopia borders the following countries; Djibouti, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan.

  2. What is the capital of Ethiopia?

    The Capital of Ethiopia is Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa is the largest  city in Ethiopia. A local name for Ethiopia is Finfinne, which means natural spring in the Oromo language..

  3. How large is the country of Ethiopia?

    Ethiopia has 1,127,127 square kilometers of land (935,183 square miles).

  4. Is Ethiopia a member of the African Union?

    Ethiopia is a a member of the African Union. It has been a member since May 25th, 1963.

Ethiopia Country Overview - People

  1. What is the population of Ethiopia?

    The population of Ethiopia is approximately 114,963,588 as of 2020. The most populated city in Ethiopia is Addis Ababa with a population of 2,757,729 (approx.). Ethiopia is the second most populous

  2. What are the Ethnic groups in Ethiopia?

    As of 2019, the estimated breakdown of ethnic groups are; Oromo 34.9%, Amhara 9%, Tigray  7.3%, Sidama 4.1%, Welaita 3%, Gurage 2.8%, Somali  2.7%, Hadiya 2.2%, Afar .6%, and Other 12.6% (est.).

  3. How many languages do people speak in Ethiopia?

    The most popular languages spoken in Ethiopia is Oromo and All languages spoken in Ethiopia are; Oromo (33.8%, Amharic 29.3%, Somali 6.2%, Tigrigna 5.9%, Sidamo 4%, Wolaytta 2.2%, Gurage 2%, Afar 1.7%, Hadiyya 1.7%, Gamo 1.5%, Gedeo 1.3%, Opuuo 1.2%, Kafa 1.1%, English, Arabic, and Other 8.1%, (est.)

  4. What regions do Ethiopians follow?

    Ethiopian Orthodox 43.8%, Muslim 31.3%, Protestant 22.8%, Catholic 0.7%, and Other 1.4% (est.).

Ethiopia Country Overview - Economy

  1. Ethiopia Political System Overview.

    The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is a federal parliamentary republic. The Federal Republic comprises of the Federal Government, nine (9) autonomous Regional States and two city administrations. The federal and regional governments setups structures into three branches of government – Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.

  2. What is the currency used in Ethiopia?

    The Ethiopian Birr (100 santim = 1 ETB) holds as the official currency for the Republic of Ethiopia.

  3. What makes up the economy in Ethiopia?

    The economy in Ethiopia is a mixed of industries but the agriculture economic sector makes up about 40% of the GDP. Some major agricultural products are coffee, cotton, cereals, sugarcane, vegetables, oilseed, khat and, fish. Other industries consist of leather, cement, beverages, chemicals, textiles, metals processing, and tourism.

Interesting Fact About Ethiopia.

Ethiopia prides itself being the only African country never to have been brought under colonial control. The birthplace of the Rastafarian movement is Ethiopia. The Jamaican Rastafarian movement is very popular but the spiritual homeland of the Rastafarian is in Ethiopia. This concluded our brief Ethiopia country overview.

All numerical data are estimates. Information may vary after the date of this article.